Rise From The Ashes
Currently Playing
Ahoy one and all. it has been quite sometime since I last posted. I figure now is the time to get back on the blog pony!
I was recently crazy sick and I'm now drinking a shit load of water to stay hydrated (couldn't keep anything down for a day). Water is the giver of life. Drink up, children.

The only thing I could tolerate doing besides lying in bed all day was a bit of gaming. I got in a NICE amount of Street Fighter IV. The hype machine on this game was about as long as 7 city trains, as proven by the crowded Gamestops all across NYC (and probably the rest of the country as well). After waiting quite sometime to acquire a copy, I popped it into my xbox and experienced firsthand just how awesome it is.
The cast of characters is fairly large and full of variety, including characters from all over the Street Fighter mythos and adding new characters to keep the game fresh.
The first thing players will notice are the upgraded, stylish "2D.5" visuals that have been pumped into the series. The game is very much Street Fighter to the core, but done with some extra style and flare. Past that, there have been some tweaks in game and balancing. Also included are focus attacks from Street Fighter 3, which, when connected, open your opponent for a free hit. The game features two meters, Ultra and Super combo meters. Supers are pretty standard in Street Fighter and now also control your fighter's EX attacks. The ultra meter, however is a new meter which fills as you take damage. Once filled, you can turn the tables on your opponent by unleashing a powerful and cinematic attack. I for one am not a fan of it because it is basically rewarding a player for being stomped on.
In an attempt to add more style, Capcom has released alternate costumes via Downloadable content. The costumes look pretty cool for the most part, but are unreasonably priced. Each costume pack contains the alt costumes for 4-6 characters at 320 microsoft points a piece. That is a bit much to ask for nothing more than costumes and hardly seems worth it unless you absolutely *have* to have your favorite character's other outfit.
Street Fighter IV is Street Fighter through and through. While more advanced player have their complaints and grievances, its fresh and pretty enough for many gamers to pick up and wanna have a few rounds with friends or the rest of the world. Remember, you're INDESTRUCTIBLE *cue crazy opening theme*