Julia Nunes
How's it going fools? Hope people who actually read this blog are well. This previous Saturday Night, a couple of friends and I went to go see Julia Nunes aka the youtube ukulele girl. She's a lot of fun and talented.
Good tidings Julia Nunes. Her music and other stuff can be found on her youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/jaaaaaaa
Now, onto the game stuff. As the title says, some people enjoy making or watching machinima (animated filmmaking within a real-time virtual 3D environment - mostly using video games technology, for any the rest of y'all). I have been talking about messing around with the idea of a skate skateboard video ever since the first came out. Thanks to EA's new and improved skate.reel, it was very easy to gather all the footage I uploaded (other than the fact that FLV files dont like to work with anything). The best part was putting it all together and the entire editing prcoess. I love getting technical that way. Here is the final product of my little venture. Enjoy!